Artist: Hermann Mejia. Permission pending.
The Hysteria about Russia
There are some facts we can all agree on.
- In June of 2016 (and possibly earlier), one or more people broke into computers of the Democratic National Committee.
- A significant quantity of data including email was taken.
- Numerous U.S. intelligence agencies attribute this break-in to the Russian government.
- Stolen documents were subsequently released to the public.
- The release of these documents was an apparent attempt to influence our elections.
Now we come to the part we can’t agree on. There are many connections between Trump and his campaign, and Russian business and government officials. The Democrats seem to say that these connections are at a significant, even alarming level. The Republicans seem to think that these connections are normal and coincidental, and that they have been overblown by hysterical Democrats, possibly to the detriment of our country.
Let’s set aside the part we don’t agree on, and just look at the part that we do agree on. Because this is where I don’t understand the use of the word hysterical.
How can any vaguely patriotic U.S. citizen look at that list of facts that we agree on, and then decide that we do not need to investigate this? That is clearly an irrational decision. One might even say that the decision comes from overwrought emotions, i.e. hysteria.
Because frankly, hysteria among many Republicans is the best possible spin we can put on this. The alternative to explain how an otherwise patriotic Republican can look at this list and say “nothing to see here, move along”, is that they believe in their hearts that Trump really could be guilty, and they are asking us to “move along” in a desperate attempt to cover up this crime.
To put this another way, any Republican who is trying to avoid an investigation would actually be complicit in a coverup of potentially treasonous acts.
But I prefer to look at things from the brighter side. The Republican party, in general, is not complicit in covering up treason. They are merely a bit hysterical because they have worry in their hearts that the allegations against Trump and his campaign staff may be true, and emotionally that is just too much to think about.
Hysteria among Republicans is actually the kindest possible interpretation of their actions as they relate to this crime which took place against our country.
So I ask those of you who do not feel that the we need to investigate this situation to try to calm yourselves, and imagine this scenario (don’t worry, you’ll like it):
Suppose the worst fears are misplaced, and the Democrats are hysterical. Suppose Trump and his entire campaign staff are all completely innocent of any wrongdoing in this situation. In that case though, it’s still likely that some Americans somewhere participated in this crime.
Should these unknown Americans be brought to justice? If you can answer that question honestly as a patriotic citizen of the United States, then congratulations, you are not hysterical.